Drawing & Portraiture | Ages 10 to 14
Drawing & Portraiture | Ages 10 to 14
13 Tuesday Classes No Class March 30th, April 6
January 26, 2021 - May 4, 2021
6:45 pm - 8:00 pm
Event Phone: 412-968-5858
So many of my students are so curious to learn the proper way to draw a human face and its features. Many students make very blatant errors, and if they continue to draw in this way, they will be reinforcing bad habits that will be difficult to break. I’m excited to instruct the proper approach to my students so that they can use this knowledge to become more aware of the process and have a more profound understanding of these key features of human anatomy. Please read about our Covid procedure below.
Dates: There is NO CLASS on March 30th and April 6th for spring break.
- Honing your Skills: This class is designed for students who want to hone their artistic skills and who are looking for a healthy challenge. The students will be given more responsibility for their art making, and they are encouraged to grow and exercise their creative muscles in a positive environment with like-minded creative kids. Students do not need to have prior instruction, but they must understand that is a class that focuses on serious artistic instruction.
Subject Matter: We will be focusing primarily on drawing portraiture. We will be dissecting the human face and learning how to draw all of the features individually. Then, we will learn about facial proportions and how to draw the human face proportionally. Adding shading to the figure via various drawing techniques will truly bring the person to life, and therefore, we will be focusing on this aspect of portraiture to finish off our exploration of the human face. We will be learning how to draw the face from the frontal and profile position.
Medium: We will primarily be working with different types of graphite. We may also use charcoal, but we will see how the classes develop.
Building skills: By completing these drawing challenges, the student will achieve a skill set that will serve as a strong reinforcement for his or her drawing capabilities. The student will have more confidence when he or she is trying to approach any subject matter in the future, and they will also have the liberty to make each project personalized.
- Composition: Students will be challenged to focus on the unity of their design and overall composition. They will be forced to think independently, learn how to edit, and make smart choices so that they have a successful composition in the end. Thinking of the whole picture is very important at this stage in their artistic development.
- Creative thinkers: Students will be encouraged to think creatively, reflect upon their work, engage in class discussions, and have a great time as they grow as artists.
Course materials are included in the price of the class.
COVID-19 Information:
The safety of our students and of the community at large is our number one priority. Therefore, we have instituted the following procedures for our in-person classes at Artissima:
-Parents/guardians of the student will sign a Covid-19 Declaration Form, Release & Questionnaire.
-As a part of the questionnaire, the student and his or her family unit (socially distanced circle at home) must be able to ensure that he or she does not have symptoms in the 14 days leading up to the class, has not tested positive to Covid-19, has not been exposed to anyone who has tested positive in the 14 days leading up to the class, is not waiting for a pending test, has not been out of the country in the last 30 days (before the class), has not been to a Covid-19 hot spot in the United States in the last 30 days (before the class). During the weeks of class, it is imperative that you contact us immediately if any of the declarations above change. This is all written up in the Declaration Form in greater detail.
-The instructors, in turn, will also monitor their symptoms, and they will abide by the aforementioned stipulations.
-By signing the Declaration Form, parents/guardians agree to take the temperature of the student before coming to class. The student’s arrival at class indicates that the student’s temperature is below 100.4 F.
Artissima and our instructors will…
- Accommodate only a limited number of students in each class to ensure proper social distancing.
- Wash/Sanitize our hands before and after each session.
- Wear our masks at all times.
- Take his or her temperature before coming to class to ensure that it is below 100.4F.
- Instructors will cancel the class if they have any symptoms related to Covid-19. The instructors will be socially distanced as much as possible.
- Clean/Disinfect frequently touched surfaces and the bathroom before and after class. Clean/Disinfect the bathroom during the class as necessary.
- Provide sanitizers at the entrance and automatic soap dispensers and automatic paper towels for the students to use to avoid contamination.
- All students will receive individual materials for each project. There will be no sharing of materials.
We are requesting that each of our students, please…
- Aprons: Bring aprons or wear clothing appropriate for a mess. Artissima Studio will not be providing aprons.
- Take your Temperature: Parent/Guardian will take child’s temperature at home before entering the premises to ensure that it is below 100.4 F. If you arrive at class, it is assumed that you have taken your temperature.
- Face Masks: Wear a face mask at all times within the studio.
- Hand Sanitizers: When entering and exiting the studio, use the hand sanitizer at the studio.
- Socially Distanced: Maintain a safe distance from others at all times. Students will remain in his or seat unless he or she needs to use the bathroom or sink, one at a time.
- Using the Bathroom & Sink: Only one student at a time washes his or her hands or goes to the bathroom. There will be no “lines” to use the sink or the bathroom. Students will be called one by one.
- Water: Carry his or her own bottle for drinking water (if necessary) and it will be placed at his or her seat.
- Personal Items: Do not bring any personal items (including jackets or coats) unless there is a medical necessity. Parent/Guardian can take the jacket or coat at the door if it is cold outside. Any personal items cleared to stay in the studio must be kept in a plastic bag.
- Guests: No parents, guardians or other patrons are allowed to stay in the studio during the class.
- Drop Off: Students will enter the studio one at a time for drop off. Please wait in a socially distanced line to enter the studio.
- Pick Up: One student can exit at a time for pick up. Parent/Guardian need to form a socially distanced line in order to enter the studio and pick up their child. The parent should not enter the studio—please stand in front of the door, and the student will come out to meet you.
Students will be asked to agree to follow procedures outlined above each week to ensure the safety of all parties.
We will do our best to protect all students, and we feel confident that the students will have an enjoyable, didactic and creative experience even with the extra measures put in place to guarantee the safety of everyone.
- All materials are provided. The price includes a cleaning fee and each student will be given certain materials that he or she will keep after the class is over. Other materials that can be disinfected after the class will remain at Artissima Studio.
- Government Shutdown: In case there is another mandatory shutdown, we will continue offering these classes online. There will be no refund issued as we will provide online resources to finish whatever classes that we have left.