Mal from Descendants Painting| Ages 5-10
Mal from Descendants Painting| Ages 5-10
Friday Evening Workshop
November 6, 2020
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Event Phone: 412-968-5858
Hannah Wolfe
*We have a limited number of students who can participate due to Covid-19 to ensure social distancing in the studio. PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT YOUR KIDS EAT DINNER BEFORE COMING TO THIS WORKSHOP. Due to Covid-19, we will not be able to provide food and drinks during our workshops. We will be taking extra measures to sanitize the studio before and after the class, and please read our Covid-19 procedure below.
Descendants! I can’t tell you how many students have expressed their love for the Descendants! We will focus on making, Mal, one of the fan favorites! This will be a cool decoration for their bedrooms!
Art Supplies are included in the studio fee.
Due to Covid-19, we will not be able to provide food as we have in the past.
Important Information
- Coming with a group? Please leave me a comment on the registration page so that you may be seated together.
Covid-19 Information
- The safety of our students and of the community at large is our number one priority. Therefore, we have instituted the following procedures for our in-person classes and workshops at Artissima.-Parents/guardians of the student will sign a Covid-19 Declaration Form, Release & Questionnaire.-As a part of the questionnaire, the student and his or her family unit (socially distanced circle at home) must be able to ensure that he or she does not have symptoms in the 14 days leading up to the class, has not tested positive to Covid-19, has not been exposed to anyone who has tested positive in the 14 days leading up to the class, is not waiting for a pending test, has not been out of the country in the last 30 days (before the class), has not been to a Covid-19 hot spot in the United States in the last 30 days (before the class). During the class, it is imperative that you contact us immediately if any of the declarations above change. This is all written up in the Declaration Form in greater detail.-The instructors, in turn, will also monitor their symptoms, and they will abide by the aforementioned stipulations.Artissima and our instructors will…
- Accommodate only a limited number of students in each class to ensure proper social distancing.
- Wash/Sanitize our hands before and after each session.
- Wear our masks at all times.
- Take his or her temperature before coming to class to ensure that it is below 100.4F.
- Instructors will cancel the class if they have any symptoms related to Covid-19. The instructors will be socially distanced as much as possible.
- Clean/Disinfect frequently touched surfaces and the bathroom before and after class. Clean/Disinfect the bathroom during the class as necessary.
- Provide sanitizers at the entrance and automatic soap dispensers and automatic paper towels for the students to use to avoid contamination.
- All students will receive individual materials for each project. No sharing of materials.
We are requesting that each of our students, please…
- Aprons: Bring aprons or wear clothing appropriate for a mess. Artissima Studio will not be providing aprons.
- Take your Temperature: Parent/Guardian will take child’s temperature at home before entering the premises to ensure that it is below 100.4 F. If you arrive at class, it is assumed that you have taken your temperature.
- Face Masks: All participants are asked to wear face masks.
- Hand Sanitizers: When entering and exiting the studio, use the automatic hand sanitizer at the studio.
- Socially Distance: Maintain a safe distance from others at all times. Students will remain in his or seat unless he or she needs to use the bathroom or sink, one at a time.
- Using the Bathroom & Sink: Only one student at a time washes his or her hands or goes to the bathroom. There will be no “lines” to use the sink or the bathroom.
- Water: Carry his or her own bottle for drinking water (if necessary) and it will be placed at his or her seat.
- Personal Items: Do not bring any personal items unless there is a medical necessity. Any personal items cleared to stay in the studio must be kept in a plastic bag and kept at your seat. You may wear a jacket or coat, but it must be placed it in a bag and brought it to your assigned seats.
- Guests: No guests may enter the studio aside from the participants in the class.
- Entering the Studio: Students will enter the studio one at a time. Please wait in a socially distanced line to enter the studio.
- Exiting the Studio: Students will exit the studio one at a time.
Students will be asked to agree to follow procedures outlined above each week to ensure the safety of all parties.
We will do our best to protect all students, and we feel confident that the students will have an enjoyable and creative experience even with the extra measures put in place to guarantee the safety of everyone.